We are ready to serve wherever God provides opportunity - whether it be through humanitarian aid, preaching, teaching or prayer ministry.

June | 2023
Kingdom Ventures International traveled with East Africa Partnership for the purpose of ministering to local community leaders and pastors and assisting with medical clinics. Much of our time was spent encouraging pastors in the poorer regions of Kenya, teaching about soul care and the importance of forgiveness, facilitating support and mentoring. Physical healing and inner healing were evident in many of our services, for which we give thanks to God!
February | 2022
Kingdom Ventures International traveled with East Africa Partnership to bring encouragement and blessing to our ministry partners who were affected by the COVID pandemic.
Gary preached at several congregations and led a pastor's retreat on the Kingdom of God at St. Paul's University. A highlight was a visit to dedicate facilities at a new project in the remote Amaya Valley which has previously been unreached because of tribal conflict. It was a great celebration of God's work in the lives of the Pokot people there.

May | 2019
Kingdom Ventures International traveled to Kenya as part of a ministry team from East Africa Partnership. We brought humanitarian aid of clothing, medical supplies and equipment to schools, orphanages and medical clinics. Serving in prayer ministry to orphans, their guardians, and to young Masai girls rescued from child marriages, we watched the Lord at work. We prayed with those who were disabled due to the pain joint, muscular pain and internal illnesses, and we saw them all restored to full health! The healing power of God was on display here, as we even saw sight restored to the blind!
May | 2018
In Speyer, Germany, we served on Ken Fish's ministry team at one of Germany’s largest Vineyard congregations. God gave us unique opportunities to pray for and minister to hurting clergy couples from across Europe as well as multitudes of people from the Speyer area who were in attendance. Our team was used of God to work many miracles of healing and deliverance - a thrilling and humbling adventure.

May | 2018
In Rueil-Malmaison, France, we served on the ministry team for Ken Fish of Orbis Ministries at a conference hosted by a local Baptist church, Englise Baptiste Emmanuel. Here we saw the power of God on display as we prayed, including the healing of a woman who had been paralyzed from a car accident. The body of Christ and the local community were built up by all that God did during that conference.
November | 2017
On this venture we served on a ministry team led by Ken Fish of Orbis Ministries. We were hosted by a Baptist church in Pitlochry, where Ken preached over the course of several days. Gary and Susan served on Ken’s prayer team as part of that conference, praying for physical healing, inner healing and deliverance of those who came asking for prayer. We also prayed for many in smaller settings throughout the community and God was greatly glorified as people were healed and freed from past traumas and restored to strength.